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July 2016
Beachwood Buzz
July 2016
Beachwood Buzz
t 12 noon on May 1, the doors at 23550
Commerce Park were shut and locked as
the 2016 Beachwood PTO Garage Sale
came to a close for another year. As a result of
the extraordinary efforts of a dedicated group
of people, another successful Garage Sale
fundraiser has been written up in the books.
Funds for educational programs, academic
scholarships and lectureship events have
been raised to enhance the already superior
educational experience and opportunities that
the Beachwood City School district offers. The
PTO (formerly known as the PTA) is proud of this
accomplishment and the contribution makes
to our school district. However, the Garage
Sale has grown to become much more than
a fundraiser. It represents a true collaborative
effort of people and organizations that, without
their cooperation, could not have taken place.
Its story needs to be told as it is one rich with
history, which includes the vision and passion
of conscientious volunteers and memories that
are sure to endure for years to come.
The Garage Sale resulted from an idea by
PTA member Jan Kirschenbaum, 20 years ago,
based on some concepts from "The Solon Bud-
get Bin." Kirschenbaum liked the basic concept,
made some changes, and had the passion and
determination to bring it to Beachwood. She
recruited then PTA president Paula Rollins, who
played an integral role in getting this off the
ground. Together they presented the idea to
other associates, along with the school board
and the PTA Garage Sale planning stage had
begun. Kirschenbaum chaired the event; Rollins
and Dianne Palmer Hoffman (Gutin) served as
co-chairs, and an incredible group of volunteers
stepped forward to help. After a full year of
preparation and securing the old BHS North
Gym as a sale site, this vision became a reality as
Beachwood PTA's best and biggest fundraiser.
Kirschenbaum and her crew headed up this
phenomenal project from 1996-2003. During
this time, the annual Garage Sale became a
well-established and popular event. Kenny
Crumpton of Fox TV-8 covered the event on
his TV morning talk show as students, teachers
and administrators modeled featured garage
sale apparel. Shoppers expressed how much
they looked forward to this event every year
and came from as far as Akron to view and
purchase merchandise.
Nevertheless, even with its soaring popu-
larity, a tremendous amount of work had to
be completed in a very short time to ensure
its continued success. Technological tools like
Sign Up Genius were not available in years past.
The Beachwood PTO Garage Sale
A Legacy of Labor and Love
by Claudia Marmaros