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June Beachwood Buzz
Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month ­
Raising Awareness and Taking Action
June is Alzheimer's & Brain
Awareness Month. Everyone
who has a brain is at risk of
developing Alzheimer's, a fatal
disease that is often misunder-
stood. During the month of June,
you can help by raising aware-
ness and taking action.
Your brain is the command
center of your body ­ and just like
your heart, lungs and other critical
organs, it deserves to be a priority
when it comes to your health.
Here are 10 tips to help reduce
your risk of cognitive decline.
education will help reduce risk of
cognitive decline and dementia.
Take a class at a local college,
community center or online.
BUTT OUT ­ Smoking increases
risk of cognitive decline. Quitting
smoking can reduce risk to levels
comparable to those who have not
factors for cardiovascular disease
and stroke ­ obesity, high blood
pressure and diabetes ­ neg-
atively impact your cognitive
HEADS UP! ­ Brain injury can
raise risk of cognitive decline
and dementia. Wear a seat belt
and use a helmet when playing
contact sports or riding a bike.
FUEL UP RIGHT ­ Eat a bal-
anced diet that is higher in veg-
etables and fruit to help reduce
the risk of cognitive decline.
getting enough sleep may result
in problems with memory and
TAL HEALTH ­ Some studies
link depression with cognitive
decline, so seek treatment if you
suffer from depression, anxiety
or stress.
BUDDY UP ­ Staying socially
engaged may support brain
health. Find ways to be part of
your local community or share
activities with friends and family.
lenge your mind. Build a piece of
furniture. Play games of strategy,
like bridge.
BREAK A SWEAT ­ Engage in
regular cardiovascular exercise
that elevates heart rate and
increases blood flow. Studies
have found that physical ac-
tivity reduces risk of cognitive
During Alzheimer's and Brain
Awareness Month, honor those
facing the disease by participat-
ing in the Alzheimer's Associa-
tion The Longest Day on June 20.
The Longest Day is a team
event to raise funds and aware-
ness for the Alzheimer's Asso-
ciation®. Held annually on the
summer solstice, the duration of
this sunrise-to-sunset event sym-
bolizes the challenging journey
of those living with the disease
and their caregivers.
Teams are encouraged to
create their own experience
by fundraising, while partici-
pating in an activity they love
to honor someone facing the
disease. The event will take
place at The Cleveland Racquet
Club, which will be open to
the public for tennis matches.
Two-hour slots will be available,
and the minimum donation is
$50. One hundred percent of
the proceeds will be donated
to the Alzheimer's Association
Cleveland Area Chapter Sign up
or donate at
day. Reserve your space today
For more information, visit alz.
Programs at The Gathering Place
he Gathering Place is a caring community that supports, educates and
empowers individuals and families touched by cancer through programs
and services provided free of charge. The programs and services offered
provide education, information, support and tools to help manage the stress of
a cancer diagnosis. The Gathering Place has two locations in Beachwood and a
location in Westlake. Below is a listing of upcoming programs at The Gathering
Place, located at 23300 Commerce Park in Beachwood. All listed programs
require advance registration by calling 216.595.9546 unless otherwise noted.
For more information visit
Prostate Partners
Thursday, June 9 · 6:30-8 pm
Come learn tips and tools for
coping with a cancer diagnosis
from a panel of prostate cancer
survivors. Spouses or significant
others are welcome to attend
this meeting. No registration
Resilience in the Face of
Uncertainty: All Day Retreat
for Young Adults Surviving
Saturday, June 11· 9:30 am-3 pm
Spend a day learning to adjust
more easily even when your fu-
ture is unknown. Spouses, part-
ners, friends, siblings welcome.
Advance registration required by
calling 216.595.9546 or register-
ing at
Hope for Tomorrow:
Group for Those with
Gynecological Cancers
Wednesday, June 15 · 6-7:30 pm
No registration required.
Group for Older Adults
with Cancer
Friday, June 17 · 11 am-12:30 pm
No registration required.
Race for the Place
Sunday, June 5
Beachwood Place
For complete information, see
article on page 7. To register,
Howard Alan Events
Presents Two Local
Art Shows
Howard Alan Events pres-
ents art lovers, craft enthusi-
asts and festival patrons with
back-to-back weekends featur-
ing events that will showcase
the finest artists in the country
and offer unique and afford-
able gift items. The 26th Annu-
al Art in The Village with Craft
Marketplace, at Legacy Village,
will take place Saturday, June
4, 10 am ­ 8 pm and Sunday,
June 5, 10 am ­ 6 pm; and the
11th Annual Crocker Park Fine
Art Fair with Craft Marketplace
will take place Saturday, June
11, 10 am ­ 8 pm and Sunday,
June 12, 11 am ­ 6 pm.
Both shows are free and
open to the community.
For more information, visit, email or call